Enable Fair 2019
"Dubai Strategy for Expo 2020 is to create a whole infrastructure that enables a proper inclusion for people with disability with society. We in Desert Group have been working since 2006 to find solution on inclusion within the workforce. Targeting specifically the intellectually disabled the challenge was bigger. We found that with a proper development program we can transform certain individuals with minor cognitive disability to productive employees.
Therefore we took on the role of advocating for our fellow corporate for their rights to be employed from 2008 to date. In 2015 we felt that it was necessary to sustain this social initiative by introducing another form of opportunity; a social enterprise model.
Enable as a social enterprise that have proved its success to provide an alternative option to employment; entrepreneurship. Through Enable we have found that we can develop skills that can enable individuals to start their own SMEs basic retail training. Product development, merchandising, supply management and selling are few topics offered within the module.
Enable in 2016 have won the Taatheer MENA CSR Award for Best Social Project. Enable today is a registered business entity that competes with its quality products and services.
Due to this success, we felt we wanted to transform this retail knowledge to hidden talents within special needs centers around the UAE.
Therefore, we decided to start an annual Fair to promote for PWD SME inclusion concept starting from 2016!"
Enable 1st Market Fair is inaugurated!
General Manager
It is close to our hearts.
It matters to us because we are committed to our advocacy strategy. We are determined to show the success and help others achieve similar scenarios.
It matters because we thru Enable witnessed their talent and capabilities. We know they can create beautiful products that can easily compete in any given market place. We want to shed light at their talents in this Fair and other talents within special needs centers that we partner with.
Provide a retail experience
Participating in this fair will create awareness about PWD SME concept. It will provide participating students & centers a real life retail experience in a real commercial setting.
The Fair will showcase products that have been crafted by our team under Enable and special talented students within Special Needs Centre around Dubai.
The goal behind this fair is to create awareness about the concept of SME’s for PWDs, and to show their capability to enter any market with their quality craft plus compete.
This fair will give the students and centers a chance to practice real life commercial transactions under our commercial floor at Dubai Garden Centre.