Our Impact

Advocating for PWD inclusion within workforce through creating awareness is an important strategy as a social enterprise that aims at empowering people with disabilities (PWD). Our main goal is to showcase the viability of a successful inclusion within a working environment whether as an employee or as independent entrepreneur through our successful model.


The Enable model as mentioned before is a result of transforming an award winning corporate social inclusion project into a more sustainable setup; the current social enterprise. To communicate this successful model effectively we created three 4 channels that targets a certain segment within the community that would tackle a specific goal and create a measurable impact.



GOAL ONE: Create a fully inclusive community in the future by educating young generations about PWD capabilities.

Strategy: Educational Awareness Roadshows

Enable has conducted a series of awareness popups in many schools to educate students of all ages on what PWD social inclusion and abilities they acquire. The sessions are very interactive where Enable team interact with students by teaching them the basics of planting trees and creating small plant arrangements. This interaction helps educate students and empower our team by elevating their confidence level. The impact is immense.



GOAL TWO: Create better employment opportunities within Dubai by delivering Enable’s Know-how through strategic governmental partnership.

Strategy: Awareness Training Sessions

Due to our many years of experience in this field with DG CSR social project, Enable have partnered with Dubai Government (Community Development Authority – CDA) to co-chair an advocacy committee which aims at orienting corporations into how to create proper employment opportunities using successful existing models within Dubai such as ours and other successful models.

PIATS (PWD Inclusion Awareness Training Session) is a document that was prepared by the ENABLE team with CDA’s assistance that tackles areas like HR policies, on-the-job training methods, health & safety procedures, performance monitoring & stakeholders reporting. This document was used in awareness sessions conducted in various governmental departments and private corporations throughout 2015.


GOAL THREE: Encourage PWD entrepreneurial start-ups by initiating showcasing projects specifically targeted to corporate society.

Strategy #1: Corporate popups

We believe that through an entrepreneurial setup we can truly achieve financial sustainability for people with disabilities. We strongly feel that by creating showcasing opportunities in major corporations there will be a good opportunity to create more social enterprises that empower PWDS. Seed funding is a solution that can create great impact.  Enable have showcased its model in various organizations in order to achieve its goal.

 Strategy#2: Work-placement Training Courses for PWD Students

ENABLE have created strong ties with the PWD community in the past years. We have been offering work placement training courses for students from various special needs centers all over the UAE. The goal is to expose students to an extensive work program that delivers basic professional entrepreneurial skill set and monitors performances.